Monday, December 8, 2008

The Evangelical Speaks ... EfM - the Undoing of the Church

I thought that coming out gay to Episcopalians was daunting ... it was really a non event, a "so what" kind of deal. But come out to them as an Evangelical and the effect is roughly the same as a gay person would receive in a run-of-the-mill evangelical church. People look in amazement when I tell them that I believe Jesus was resurrected on Easter Sunday, and that the Bible is inerrant. Those doctrines are so last century ... I mean now we have Marcus Borg, Shelby Spong, and all these people to tell us that original sin is a lie and that the Bible was all a political power play. Hmm ... well, I think that's all popycock
I have to say that I am highly disappointed in the Education for Ministry program, and in many ways thankful that this is my last year. Don't get me wrong, I love my community of EfMers and I love each and every one of them, but the program is really getting on my nerves, and I mean really. The books take a decidedly anti-orthodox stance. I spend half my week arguing with the text about some interpretation of Church history. My question to the EfM authors is ... if the early Church was so bad, and was involved in all this political power playing and mysogyny, why is God's church still standing today? More importantly, how could they still claim to be Christian or yet Episcopalian? My EfM mentor has said that it's meant to open up our minds. But I asked what about opening people's minds to orthodoxy? To that there was no response. Many in the group think that I'm evangelical because I'm 22 and just going through that young adult revolutionary angst rebellion thing. Well, that's odd considering that I'm actually quite the conformist ... I mean, I'm trying to shape my Christian practice according to Scripture and Tradition and all that.
Fortunately, the Presiding Bishop has taken a stance to defend the diversity of theology in the Episcopal Church, and she has fired folks who have openly said they want conservatives out of the Church. Thank God! Hopefully the Presiding Bishop will also soon realize that although we are not a confessional Church in any sense, we are still a Church that must subscribe to a minimum of doctrine to remain in fellowship with other Christians and to strictly preserve that subscription for the sake of maintaining communion.

Just had to get that off my chest ...

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