Sunday, October 12, 2008

My God Isn't a Stepford God

Have any of you seen the movie Stepford Wives where the men of the community of Stepford transform their wives in to placating, compliant women? Well, in my current reading, I'm reading The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism by Timothy Keller. He made a good analogy on a Stepford God. Sometimes, the God that we conceive for ourselves placates us and lets go whatever it is that we do wrong. We have sometimes built for ourselves a Stepford God, one that doesn't care and is just there to fulfill our desires and keep us in our comfort zones.
Well, let me tell you that I enjoy the fact that God and His Word challenge me every day to be better, and to obey His will more closely. I find that my faith is fulfilled not in building a bastion of theological comfort, but in trailblazing and finding a faith that really changes lives. So do you have a Stepford God?

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